12 Thompson Road, Webster, MA 01570
(508) 826.5757 |
FAX 815 366 8083 |
MA Department of Labor Standards Current Lead Paint Regulations as of January 3, 2023, follow directions found in these documents, in English and Spanish:
CONTRACTORS here is the Registration Instructions a downloadable PDF
log in here to create and access your account with the department of labor standards
If the only rental property you own is an owner-occupied two family property, there is no fee. You need to fill out the Waiver and sign an affirmation that you are only working on properties you reside. There is no fee for the waiver. Fill out the Waiver Registration form is found here.
If you are an LLC, S Corp. or Corporation, you need to submit a Certificate of Good Standing from The Secretary of State Search for your company. A new screen will ask you to select your company. When you do, a new screen will open up and you choose "Request Certificate." The new page will open, and in the drop down menu on the middle right of the page, choose "Good Standing." The fee is $25 for an LLC.
If you are a Sole Proprietor, get a Letter of Good Standing from the office of the Town Clerk.
To train your workers, give them a copy of Steps to Lead Safe RRP and train them with these Hands on Exercises
If you have employees, you need to have a Model Written Respirator Protection Program
If you have employees, you need to have a Model Medical Monitoring Program and Worker Protection Program
Find an Occupational Physician near you
If you work in other states, register your firm with the EPA
LANDLORDS: working on a deleading project on your own property, Moderate
Risk Deleading for Homeowners/Agent Training
Anyone assisting a landlord on a deleading project must have Moderate Risk Training.
Your MA RRP Lead-safe Renovator number (LR or LW) your state-assigned
number will be on their website. This is the number you use on your notifications.
for Find a licensed lead-safe renovation contractor
CONTRACTORS: IF THERE IS LEAD PAINT in MA and if there has been a lead inspection
by a licensed lead inspector, or an intent to bring the property into compliance
OR if there is a child under 6 the project is now a deleading job. Supervisors
and workers must take the RRP training and the supervisor must also take the
Risk Deleading Supplemental Training to do any work at all!
After you take the moderate risk supplement training, check here to get your
Moderate Risk Supervisor number.:
Here is a link to free signs