12 Thompson Road, Webster, MA 01570
(508) 826.5757 |
FAX 815 366 8083 |
Bring a copy of your lead inspection report to the class if you have one
Classes run from 9:00 to 5. The cost is $250 per person.
Friday, February 21, 2025
Friday, March 14, 2025
Mail checks to: Mary Chabot Training
12 Thompson Road
  Webster, MA 01570
or by credit or debit card
Lead poisoning is a completely preventable disease. The Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP) has made great strides toward eliminating childhood lead poisoning in Massachusetts, even though our housing stock is the second oldest in the nation. Despite this progress, hundreds of children in Massachusetts are still identified with high levels of lead in their blood each year. Most are poisoned by leaded paint on the inside and outside of their homes.
The Massachusetts Lead Law (MGL Chapter 111 sec. 189A-199B) requires that owners
of homes built before 1978 and with children under the age of six living in
them correct any lead hazards on the property. The law applies to owner occupied
homes as well as to rental property.
In 1994 the Lead law was amended to make it easier and less expensive for owners
to delead their homes. Part of these amendments includes Encapsulation, Low
Risk Deleading, Moderate Risk Deleading and Interim Control. This course will
prepare participants to apply any of these methods.
About the course
The training is for property owners and their agents who would like to become authorized to perform moderate-risk deleading on the owners home(s). The training is designed to give owners and agents an understanding of the Lead Law and its requirements.
As a result of this course, participants will be prepared to take a written exam, administered by the Massachusetts Department of Public Healths Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. The exam is mailed to participants after completion of the course.
This course does not teach participants the carpentry skills that are needed to complete the work successfully, nor does this course allow the owner/agent to supervise others to perform the work. Only those who successfully complete this course are allowed to perform the actual work necessary for lead abatement.
Successful completion of the course means you have:
Attended the entire training. Passed the exam with a score of 75% or better.
Received a confirmation letter from the Massachusetts Department of Public Healths Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP) with your exam results and an authorization number.
Owners and their agents (employees, friends, relatives, tenants) are eligible
to take CLPPP's moderate risk training. Each person is required to take the
class from a certified training provider and pass the exam presented by the
Massachusetts Department of Healths Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention
You must be at least 18 years old.
You must own the property, or be helping the owner as an employee, friend, relative or tenant.
Group discounts are available.
FREE onsite parking
Just off a major interstate highway
$250 per student
Have a lot of students? call for special arrangements